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Ficus Lyrata 'Fiddle Leaf Fig' Large Floor Plant

10'' Tree in Nursery Pot

Ficus Lyrata, commonly known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig, is the epitome of botanical elegance and is currently riding the wave of plant trends. Available in both tree and bush forms, this stunning plant boasts large, heavily veined green leaves that gracefully grow upright, making it a captivating addition to any space.

Scientifically classified as Ficus fic, the Fiddle Leaf Fig belongs to the Mulberry and Fig family and hails from the lush landscapes of Western Africa. Now, let's delve into Ed's comprehensive care guide to ensure your Ficus Lyrata thrives in its new home.

Ed's Care Guide:

Light: Give your Ficus Lyrata the spotlight it deserves with bright, indirect light. Dim lighting is a no-go, as it can lead to rapid deterioration.

Water: Keep the soil evenly moist, but beware of overwatering. Strike the right balance to maintain optimal health.

Humidity: Create a tropical haven for your Fiddle Leaf Fig by providing a high-humidity environment.

Temperature: Keep the surroundings at a cozy 65-75°F to mimic its native habitat.

Pruning: Nurture its growth by pruning as needed. This not only controls growth but also removes brown or dead leaves, ensuring a vibrant appearance.

Feeding: Treat your Ficus Lyrata to a bi-weekly feast of a weak green plant liquid solution during the spring and summer months. Watch it flourish under your care.

Propagation: Explore the art of propagation with stem or leaf cuttings and air layering, allowing you to expand your green collection.

Pests: Keep a watchful eye, as Ficus Lyrata is susceptible to common pests. Early detection ensures a pest-free haven for your plant.

Toxicity: While Fiddle Leaf Figs are captivating, it's essential to note that they are highly toxic to both humans and pets. Handle with care and place them strategically in your space.